TRUST and the road trip.


This post got lost somewhere and never got posted — must have been a reason? Anyway, here it is. It was a fun day. The original post was written late in 2015.

My trusty book [no pun intended] and I went on a bit of a road trip today. We travelled down the coast to Geelong in the morning and then back home and a half hour drive to Lilydale in the evening. Both occasions were to give a talk at a Spiritualist Centre and hopefully sell some books.


It’s a two-hour drive to Geelong and we need to be there by 10 am……… on a Sunday morning!

I’m a writer…….. we don’t do mornings!

I had accidently rubbed something into my eyes on Saturday night and they were not happy. I had visions of me standing up in front of the audience wearing dark glasses and doing a poor imitation of Stevie Wonder. As it worked out, my eyes were sore the next day but I could see, so I loaded up on coffee and off we went [My wife was doing the Mediumship readings and I was doing the talk].

Geelong is only a small group but we have gotten to know them well over the past couple of years. The group knew I was writing a book because I had tried out my ‘what it feels like to be a Medium’ talk on them earlier this year. A couple of the members of this group travel up to Melbourne every couple of months and join our Friday Circle.

Sunday was Father’s Day so the turn up was slightly smaller than usual, but we didn’t care. I was very relaxed and as a joke [a delicious one] they had made scones and jam and cream for me because they know I love them! Wasn’t that kind of them?

My talk was well received and my wife did an excellent job with the readings [they love her energy].

I sold a few books and ate a lot of scones. The conversations flowed freely and we hung around way after most people had gone home. The drive back was uneventful and we did see eagles along the way [this is a feature of the drive to and from Geelong from Melbourne, and we always take it as a good omen if we see eagles flying.]

We climbed into bed as soon as we got home and had a pleasant couple of hours of sleep before needing to get ready for our evening talk at Lilydale. We got a little bit lost but eventually arrived with plenty of time to spare. The person doing the readings had dropped out at the last moment so I introduced myself to their replacement and waited for the service to begin. A few of the members of our Circle came along to give me support and it was fun to see them in the audience.

The talk went well and people laughed in all the right places and I sold a couple of books including one to the Medium I was sharing the platform with, which was cool.

The afterparty at this venue is legendary for its collection of cream cakes and I did my best to sample as many as I could. Again, there was plenty of conversation before we walked out into a downpour on our way back to the car.

Real Book, In My Hands.

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There is nothing like opening the box from the printers and holding the book you have worked so hard to create.


I love eBooks and everyone who buys them, but there is something about a real book. Maybe it is the smell or the feel or the fact that I get asked to sign them!


When I was a kid at school I used to practise my signature because something told me that one day I would be asked for my autograph. Lots of kids probably do this, but I really thought that some day I would be famous. Naturally, that hasn’t happened, but I have been asked to sign my books, so all that practise did not go to waste. TRUST is the fifth of a collection of six books so far. Trust me when I tell you that being asked to sign one of your books never gets old!


If you would like a paper copy you can message me [particularly if you are in Australia] and I can post you a copy. In North America it will be cheaper for you to visit

EBook versions are available from Smashwords [all formats]

or Apple

or Amazon

If you have read your copy please go to GOODREADS and leave a review. Or leave the review where you purchased the book. Reviews and rating help to sell books.


Not long after these photos were taken, I began wrapping up the books that had been pre-ordered. A very pleasant task indeed.